Ohio SAFE Act

Saving Ohio Adolecents from Experimentation - Is it really SAFE?

To enact sections 3109.054, 3129.01, 3129.02, 3129.03, 3129.04, 3129.05, 3129.06, 3313.5319, and 3345.562 of the Revised Code to enact the Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act regarding gender transition services for minors, and to enact the Save Women’s Sports Act to require schools, state institutions of higher education, and private colleges to designate separate single-sex teams and sports for each sex.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio is HB-68 as passed by the Ohio House and Senate and is currently on the Governors desk for signing.

As we enter this next political election cycle it was expected that we would see more redirect with political speak like “Save the Children and SAFE.” The easiest way to try to get re-elected is to try to tell your base that you are doing something to protect them, even if there is no protection at all and simply an attack for the sake of bullying on the most vulnerable in our society, the transgender community. It is a small percentage of our population therefore the easiest to attack without to much political damage to yourself, right? In 2023, 589 anti-trans bills have been introduced in 49 states, 85 have passed, 269 are still active, and 235 have failed.

It does seem that political parties find it advantageous to find a group or person to attack to advance their political position rather than stand on policy itself. The medical community, state and local LGBTQ Communities, national organizations, and educational professionals turned out to oppose HB-68, but testimony was not allowed, it was pushed straight through. Those that showed up at the Capitol to protest and offer testimony were told to leave that the bill had been passed without testimony so all should leave. The only hope is that the governor will listen to the experts and veto this bill, yet in the past he has typically given in to the extreme right, so only time will tell.

Many all over Ohio have been reaching out to the governor to encourage him to veto this bill.

In a press conference held on 12/29/2023, Governor Mike Dewine did VETO HB-68, stating the consequence of this bill could not be more profound, and is about protecting human life and these gut wrenching decisions should be made by parents with the advice of doctors. Please thank Governor Dewine.